Group & School Visits

Sywell Aviation Museum is passionate about encouraging young people to become involved in aviation.

Tours for Younger Children

Over a period of nearly 20 years the Museum has taken over 15,000 young people around the Museum and Aerodrome as part of its Young Aviator Tours. In 2014 this was recognised by the Northamptonshire Museum’s Forum with the award of ‘Best Community Project’.

The Museum tour also includes a visit to the hangars to look round real aeroplanes, a brief history of Sywell Aerodrome and an explanation of how an aeroplane flies and how young people can get involved in aviation when they get older. It is particularly popular with Beavers, Brownies and Cubs as it helps towards their ‘Air Activities Badge’.

Tours take place on weekday evenings and each young visitor has a free gift to take home and we even supply competition prizes!

Tours for Adult Groups

We also do guided tours of the Museum for adult groups such as car clubs, local history societies, Rotarians, social clubs and more – a perfect evening out usually bookended by a drink or meal at The Aviator!

Tours for Older School Children

We also offer daytime guided tours for Schools. These will normally take place during term-time and are particularly useful for pupils who may be studying the First or Second World War . These tours normally include a visit to the hangars where vintage aircraft from both world wars can be seen.

For more information please email or call 07968061708