
Formation & Display Flying

Sunday 8th March 2020 at 14.30hrs:

“Formation and Display Flying”

by Clifford Hill

We’ve seen airshows but what does it take to do the flying? This type of flying demands

high levels of skill and airmanship and must follow strict display safety rules.

Clifford describes his involvement in training and leading a team of novice formation

pilots all the way up to public display standard, including some proven tricks of the trade.

What’s it like to take part in an Air Display?

To an audience on the ground the resulting display may look effortless after lots of hard

work, but that’s just part of the story. The presentation continues by following the team

through an actual air show, taking in all the extra behind the scenes study and


The presentation includes a film showing the team in action.

Admission to talk: £5.00 per person

Groups may book tickets in advance (tel: 07711 363392)